Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Guest Blogger Thursday - Holistic Nutrition Coach Jane Ashley

Calling All Brides: Say NO to yo-yo diets! 

Looking to slim down for your big day? Say NO to yo-yo dieting once and for all! Eat the right foods and you'll be on your way to an energetic, healthy, in-shape, and happy body. By feeding your body the right stuff, you will crowd out the bad stuff. Along with your healthy eating program in the months leading up to your big day, you can make smart choices on the days right before your wedding to get rid of water retention and amp up the definition in your muscles, too. Here are some tips for those of you hitting the alter in the next few weeks:
  1. Stay away from gum and carbonated beverages —they cause more water retention and bloating.
  2. Eliminate fast food and prepackaged foods. They rob you of your energy and have been depleted of their nutritional components through industrial processing.
  3. Eat high-energy foods like bright, colorful veggies and fruits (not limp, over-cooked, grayish veggies) and food that is local to your area – less time in the truck means more energy in the food.
  4. Stay away from white bread, white potatoes, refined sugar and excess carbs.
  5. Focus on organic protein sources such as salmon— you won’t be as hungry and the omega 3s help your skin, hair and nails and will give you the GLOW.
  6. Green tea and hot lemon water are helpful in getting rid of water retention and moving the toxins out of your body.
  7.  Stick with lower sugar fruits like berries. Cantaloupe is a great diuretic!
  8. Eat lots of asparagus, brussel sprouts, and other green leafy veggies—these energizing foods will help your muscles look leaner and are great for your skin.
  9. An epsom salt bath will draw toxins out of your body—use 1-2 cups of Epsom salts in a hot bath and soak for 20 minutes.
  10. Consistently drink water between meals – by the time you actually feel thirst, it is likely you are far beyond the point of needing water.

A good rule of thumb is this: eat whole foods, cook at home, stay away from processed and prepackaged foods, and eat in restaurants only now and then. You will be doing your health a big favor, as well as slimming down so you look and feel amazing on your wedding day!

Peace & Veggies,

Jane Ashley, MA, CHHC, AADP, founder of Beautiful Body—Beautiful Bride: Nutrition Coaching for brides-to-be, is an innovator in bridal nutrition and holistic weight loss. In addition to her one-on-one coaching practice, Jane is a regular contributor to the Jennie Fresa Beauty Library blog and is a sought-after speaker in the community.

Jane specializes in helping brides prepare for their wedding – not just with a crash diet but by offering a holistic weight loss approach that is sustainable for LIFE – not just until the honeymoon is over.

Brides today are under an incredible amount of stress and need support around health and lifestyle more than ever, and Jane is so happy to bring her expertise to the bridal community.

To learn more about Jane, please visit:

1 comment:

  1. Too much diet is not good in our body, our body needs a lot of nutrients for us to function daily. If you limit your food intake it means you also limit your bodies level of functioning.
