Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guest Blogger::Tracee Dolan: Inner Beauty::Take Your Yoga Outside

Practicing Yoga outside is the best! The fresh air, sun, birds, waves, even the drone of cars as they drive by are all perfect compliments. It's easy and free to start an outdoor yoga practice. All you need is 20 minutes or more. So, grab your mat, slather on some SPF and take it outside.
A basic flow would start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana): plant your feet on the mat or ground, palms face forward, inhale the crown of your head up towards the sky and exhale as you slide your shoulders down your back. Stand here and take it all in. As you fill this posture with your breath; release the frenetic thoughts of the day, tension or holding with each exhale- and with each inhale allow softness to fill every aspect of you & the pose. A few sun salutations, literally saluting the sun, some floor work and a few moments in
svasanah (corpse pose or resting pose) and you have yourself an outdoor practice.
If you currently hold a 3 pack of private lessons with me feel free to take it outside. If you don't and would like to start an out door practice; grab some friends and we can put together some class times under a special summer-time donation rate. Outdoor yoga classes work best in the early AM (before noon) and Mid PM (4pm until sun-set)

Tracee Dolan is available for group and private instruction. Please email or phone or 617.448.5593 for more information.

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